Wednesday, February 15, 2012

About Communication

1. What do you expect to learn from this pod-casting project? (List as much as possible.)
The biggest thing I expect to learn from this podcast project is the extent to which I can speak about a topic in Japanese. The second thing I expect to learn is more about the topic. Through researching and brain-storming with my group, I've already learned a great deal about the differences in the Japanese and American gaming industries and how culture is both cause and effect of these differences. The last major thing I expect to learn from this project is the production itself. My experience is limited to small personal projects, so working in a group and doing all the filming and editing is exciting to me.

2. What does "communication" mean to you?
Communication is a many layered action and one that happens in many different ways. I believe that communicating well and meaningfully with others - going beyond simply conveying information - is an art in itself and one that is important to practice, regardless of the medium it is conducted in. One of the major reasons why I'm studying Japanese is so I can better understand Japanese culture and many times, things get lost in translation. However, learning about Japanese culture is more than just learning the language, though the latter is certainly very important.


  1. Podacasting: useful for learning many things! I agree though, I always like learning what other people know about a topic I already know a fair bit about. It's interesting to see what you don't know.

    Lost in translation is a huge problem, which can be a blockage to communication. I agree that communication does qualify as an art, as well.

  2. I agree, communication is an art in itself! Yes, practice is always the first step towards becoming better and better - すぎもと
